Thursday, October 16, 2008

OUr LIfe?

Life seem to slow and calm at ump, well not really, its stressful and tension of all the time, but sometimes theres still room for happiness.

Guess what I had read this blog something about(or not) the purpose of life.

I keep on wondering, why do I have to struggle so hard, somebody might says its for living, but is this really about living? Stress and tension, but when we soon get happiness and peace, yet theres still something missing in this life, don't you all thing so?

Just wondering this, a person who thought that he would live forever in this world, thinking that his life is only can be achieve materially(I mean the reality). Is that really happiness? Perhap we should see magic in life that might be a good idea hehe..

Agriculture stuffs

As we all know, the conventional way to get fish is by fishing, get fish from ocean, lake, river, shore, and sea.

But as world population increased, thus the food supply must increase to feed the growing population. Moreover fish is important source for protein.

Thus the development of agriculture which is new and innovative way of breeding fish in a closed area of particular hydro-habitat.
It is like a chicken-farm, but its a fish-farm, where the fish is breed in a closed area in water.

This brand new way would enable fasten the growth of fish and the cultivation of algae which can help to feed other living-being the habitat.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reduce Stress

Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend;listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.

Human nature: THINkiNG

Human are truly a special species created. Why? It's because all of us has the sophisticated "brain" to THINK. It's indeed a wonderful thing that God had created!But nowadays, do people really THINK? it seems seldom isn't?

In the real world as what I had noticed, there are more and more individuals whom are leaving their Great ability of THINKING aside.....How come?! As a university student myself, I felt that education is one of the factors, besides the individual character itself.

Why is this happening ? As most people knows, this generation of students have no choice but to face a big "challenge/goal" that is - Exams. These exams caused majority of our young generation focus almost 100% on STUDY. " & study..."

They seems to be trained to memorize books rather than understands and THINK. Slowly they became not creative and with a narrow mind-set. I would give them a nick name of "Exams-robots". Isn't this serious? frightening?! I have no intention to say that we should ban Exams .... But, we have to do the RIGHT things in the RIGHT way!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

conVINCing peopLE

Convincing... Is an adjective words.
To convince in something we must be confident... To be confident we must do convincing thing that can convince us to do the convincing thing... It sounds complex... But that is how I described it... I am technical person... To make it simple convincing is hard to do... The faith in ourselves(our God too) is really important element in this thing.

To make people believe in my words, I have to make my own backup for my own statement. It is like playing chess which we have to have strong strategy to win the game. We must understood well to convince others. The characteristics that we show also have to be honest. Obviously, how can we trust a criminal?? That is just an opinion..


There are some tips and trick that will help you a lot in preparation for the board exams. Try to study at least four subjects out of total five per day. This will keep your memory sharp for all subjects. Then spend one hour for a single subject. It means, you give four hours daily for your all four subjects. But don’t study continuously. Just make schedule like that, study for one hour for a subject dedicatedly.

Take a small break. In a break you can talk to your friend but don’t discuss about study. You can watch TV also and watch only that program that you like most. Then, again come to study and give one hour for second subject and study dedicatedly. Don’t think about movie or other thing. Just concentrate completely on your study.

The most important thing that you have to implement in your all time study that you have to study with your full confident. Don’t get tension. It can result in for getting things that you know very well. Keep studying with fresh mind every time after you take a break. Studying in morning is very beneficial as compare to late night study. Studying in morning can be quite difficult but soon you will get habitual for that you will find more interest in studying.

stUdy SKills

I wanna share with you some tips on STUDY SKILLS..

ok, Study skills are strategies and methods of purposeful learning, usually centered around reading and writing. Effective study skills are considered essential for students to acquire good grades in exam, and are useful in general to improve learning throughout one's life, in support of career and other interests.

Best types of studying:

1. Removing distractions and improving concentration
2. Maintaining a balance between homework and other activities
3. Reducing stress, such as that caused by test anxiety
4. Strategies for writing essays
5. Speed reading
6. Notetaking
7. Subject-specific study strategies
8. Preparing for exams

Lastly, I hope all of us will get flying colours in our exam..
Keeps praying for God..


I have read an article about the ‘leaf vegetable’. Everybody has already known that vegetables are good for our health. However, I am sure that not everyone practices this good habit including my brother. They should know that leaf vegetables are low in calories, low in fat, high in protein per calorie, high in dietary fiber, high in iron and calcium, and very high in phytochemicals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, lutein and folic acid which are mostly good for their health. So, I hope that the people will realize about the goodness of practices this healthy nutrition.

"Smoking causes premature death in women"

Women who smoke are likely to suffer a heart attack nearly 15 years earlier than those who don’t, according to a new research.

The data, released at the European Society of Cardiology congress in Munich, also revealed smokers can expect to have a heart attack on average around the age of 66 — although it can occur at a much younger age for some women. But a non-smoking woman could celebrate her 80th birthday before succumbing to an attack. In contrast, men who smoke have a heart attack on average just six years earlier than male non-smokers.

The study shows the stark difference in the health of women in later life when heart disease becomes increasingly important as a cause of lost years through death and disability.

Smoking is the biggest cause of premature death from heart disease, claiming the lives of at least 50,000 women a year.
so,say no to SMOKING!!;D

First EleC TRIc boAT

Electric boats have been go along the waterways in Europe since around 1890. In 1905 the 'Victory'the largest electric boat in the world at that time was launched on the river Thames. it was 93 feet long and wood built. The Victory could carry 350passengers.
Before the internal combustion engine became popular electric boating compete steam and horse drawn barges. Battery powered pleasure boats were being charge by steam powered generators and overhead cables. In England canals provided a wide network for working narrow boats carrying cargo. After 1905 the internal combustion engine became popular, due the the invention of the electric starter motor.