Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Five Steps to get a 5-Star Body

1. Sleeping is essential. Try to sleep 7-9 hours each night. This is because having enough sleep can help you lose weight. In a study of more than 68,000 women, those who slept seven hours a night weighed 5.5 pounds less than women who slept five hours or less. Sufficient sleep encourages your body to make more of the fullness hormone leptin and less of the hunger hormone ghrelin, so you will not be as hungry. Besides that, snoozing can also curb anxiety and depression, both of which can lead to emotional eating.

2. Exercising can also help you lose weight. Moreover, it can also curb cravings, help you live longer, reduce stress and undo some of the damage of eating fatty foods. Therefore, try exercising for 30 minutes a day.

3. Eat right but don’t need to count the calories. So, try having yogurt with berries rather than a muffin at breakfast, have a salad with tofu for lunch and choose salmon over steak at dinner, then skip the ice cream late at night. In this way, you can eat healthy and have delicious, filling and satisfying meals.

4. Stretching can help you increase your overall range of motion, therefore making exercise seem less difficult. So, try doing yoga or pilates and let your muscles stretch.

5. Talking yourself up carries over to other areas of your life. Not only will you feel more confident, but research shows you will also get sick about 30 percent less frequently, stave off emotional eating and reduce your cancer risk.

These are simple steps to follow. So, what are you waiting for? Try it now!

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